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In 1976 at Ecole des MINES, Dominique Richon created the laboratory named: T E P "Laboratoire de Thermodynamique et des Equilibres entre Phases" and was its head until June 2009, date of his sixtieth birthday                     .

He spent most of his time designing equipment for studying Phase Equilibria, PVT properties and transport properties for various applications in various operating conditions. During these last years, he gave significant impulse to Thermodynamic Properties Modelling through Neural Networks in several fields (Refrigeration and Air Conditionning, Hydrate Formation and Decomposition, Prediction of Water and Methanol Contents, etc ...) .

He is author or co-author of many patents, especially of the ROLSI ™,  of around 400 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, and of a great amount of confidential reports for french and foreign industries.

Up to now he has supervized more than forty PhD theses.

He is now helping, in various countries, laboratories that wish to develop new experimental facilities.



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